

[Sendai] Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai (ホテルモンテエルマーナ仙台)

I stayed in Hotel Monte Hermana Sendai (ホテルモンテエルマーナ仙台) during this trip in Sendai. They are in Motray Group. The pedest...
AICHI (Nagoya etc)

[Nagoya] Limited oysters at Yamamotoya Honten JR Nagoya Sta. (山本屋本店JR名古屋駅店)

I wanted to miso nikomi udon at Yamamotoya Honten (山本屋本店) during my trip in Nagoya, but I had no time to visit there af...
AICHI (Nagoya etc)

[Nagoya] Breakfast at KAKO Coffeehouse (KAKO 柳橋店)

Speaking of breakfast in Nagoya, Konparu and KAKO is so popular. I had breakfast at KAKO coffeehouse (KAKO柳橋店) this tim...
Kanagawa & Saitama

[Yokohama Chinatown] Hedgehog dim sum at Yoseigo (耀盛號)

Do you know TABEARUKI ? TABEARUKI is to buy something at a store and eat outside. In Yokohama Chinatown, this TABEARUKI...

[Hakodate] Soup curry at Yoshida Shoten (吉田商店)

I ate nothing but seafood during my staying in Hakodate. So, suddenly I felt like eating meat. Speaking of meat in Hokk...

Temporarily closed – [Tokyo] Dumplings at Ranshu (餃子の店 蘭州) in Keisei Tateishi

Ranshu (餃子の店 蘭州) in Keisei-Tateishi moved next to the police office. I already visited there for several times after mo...

How to get to Cherry sample tree in Yasukuni Jinja shrine (靖国神社)

When I visited Yasukuni Jinja shrine (靖国神社) to see cherry blossoms for the first time and tried to find sample tree, I ...
Kanagawa & Saitama

[Yokohama Chinatown] Breakfast at Shatenki Nigouten (謝甜記 貮号店)

Though there are many restaurants that are open at lunchtime and dinner time, only a few restaurants are open in the mo...

[Tokyo] Niboshi ramen at Tsukihi (煮干中華蕎麦つきひ) in Kameido

Tsukihi (煮干中華蕎麦つきひ) in Kameido serve the best niboshi ramen for me. Their soup have abundant extract of niboshi ! Tsuki...

[Sendai] Tanya Zenjirou (たんや善治郎) in JR Sendai Station

I think JR Sendai station is great. JR Sendai station have all local foods of Sendai ! Zunda, seafood, beef tongue… We ...

[Tokyo] Ramen Yoshii (らぁ麺 吉井) in Kachidoki

Kachidoki was said to be poor ramen area, but now there are many ramen shops, for example, Tsujita, Sharin and so on. R...

[Tokyo] 1pond steak at Kome to Steak (コメトステーキ) in Shin-Koiwa

I had lunch at Kome to Steak (コメトステーキ). It takes about 15 minutes walk from Shin-Koiwa station. As their name, they ser...

[Tokyo] Hitachino Brewing Lab (常陸野ブルーイングラボ ) in Kanda

I like Hitachino Nest Beer and visit Hitachino Brewing Lab (常陸野ブルーイングラボ) connected to Tokyo station frequently. And thi...

Moved – [Tokyo] Umi no sachi Sho (海の幸 翔~Musuko~) in Akihabara

I visited Akihabara to have lunch at Umi no sachi Sho ~Musuko~ (海の幸 翔~Musuko~). They serve fresh seafood and serve sash...

[Motoyawata] Jiro-style ramen at Butaken (ぶたけん。)

I visited Butaken (ぶたけん。) serving Jiro-style ramen in Motoyawata.The chef trained at high-populated Tonsei (豚星。) in Kan...
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