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[Hakodate] Soup curry at Yoshida Shoten (吉田商店)


I ate nothing but seafood during my staying in Hakodate. So, suddenly I felt like eating meat. Speaking of meat in Hokkaido, jingiukhan occured me at first. But I also wanted to have something spicy foods. So, I had lunch at Yoshida Shoten (吉田商店) that is soup curry shop. I ate spicy soup curry having chicken leg. Their appearance is retro.

There’re tables on the left and counter seats are on the right in the shop. They have old signboards. Their interior is retro, too. Tables are small tables that are used in elementary schools. It’s like school lunch.

They have soup curries only. We can choose spiciness and add a variety of toppings. It’s hard to decide !

And another drinks and dessert.

“Do you like curry ? ”

Because I wanted to eat chicken, I ordered chicken leg curry. They accept to add chicken leg to another soup curry though. Less rice. The ingredients of soup curry is, chicken leg, egg, carrot, green pepper, cabbage, snow peas (kinusaya), mushroom, lotus shoot. Much ingredients ! And I chose the middle of spiciness. Level 5.

Chicken leg curry (やわらかチキンレッグカレー, 950yen) with level 5 of spiciness (地辛 , +90yen)

It’s watery curry. Curry soup. A variety of spices are mixed in the soup. Delicious. It’s almost soup. So, I like eating it and rice alternately. Dipping rice into the soup is not better.

There are spicy named Kaori Masuyo(香 増世) on each tables. This name means ‘adding flavor’ . As its name, it added abundant flavor of spice. But it’s not very spicy. So, choosing the level of spiciness when order is important. Level 5 of spiciness is the best. Not so spicy. But enough.

Their draft beer was Sapporo Classic. I chose small one. It’s suitable size for lunch 🙂

Small size of draft beer (生ビール 小) 320 yen
たんばや 釧路空港店
¥1,026 (2024/07/24 17:54時点 | 楽天市場調べ)


Name Yoshida Shoten (スープカリー喰堂 吉田商店)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
URL Website

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