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Moved – [Roppongi] Dinner at Sushi Yuu (鮨由う)


Sushi Yuu (鮨由う) is a Michellin-star awarded sushi restaurant. Only one year have passed since they have started their business in Roppongi area.

What do you imagine about Roppongi ?
Gorgeous ? Crowded ?

Sushi Yuu is located in such a calm area. It’s the center of Roppongi. But they are along the back of street. Once you are into back alley, Roppongi is calm.

Basically they prepare 15000 yen (price rose up to 20000 yen now) course only having tsumami and sushi. You’d better reserve in advance because seats are always full with reservation.

There’re two men inside the counter table. A man close to the entrance is the manager. Which is better? No. They are equal in their skill of sushi. But the manager is well-known as talkative man.

There’re drinks menu, but they have some unlisted Japanese sake on the menu. So, ask chefs if you want Japanese sake. They’ll choice your best one. I ordered Japanese sake as his recommendation. Hakurakusei.

Japanese sake. Hakurakusei (伯楽星)

At first, Mineoka dofu was served. Mineoka dofu have “dofu (=tofu)” in its name, but it’s not real tofu. It have milk instead of soy. In addition this Mineoka Dofu have corn and cheese. So, it’s sweet and like cream cheese.

Mineoka dofu (嶺岡豆腐)

And then, Hirame (Flatfish) was served in cooked Japanese sake.
Cooked Japanese sake entirely missed alcohol. So, don’t worry about younger people.

Hirame (Flatfish / ヒラメ)

wakame seaweed is free refills. The chef said putting it into the sake is good. We did so. We agreed with him 🙂

Free refills of wakame seaweed

Oyster with ponzu. It was excluded in the course. The chef recommended it, so we added. It was large and tasted great.

Oyster with ponzu (牡蠣ぽん酢)

Iso Tsubugai (Whelk). I couldn’t pick its innards up. But its meat was enough good.

Iso Tsubugai (Whelk / 磯つぶ貝)

Kobakogani (Female snow crab). This is my favorite crab that can be eaten during November-December only. I was glad to eat it at my longing sushi restaurant. The jelly was made of vinegar and crab’s eggs. Splendid.

Kobakogani (Female snow crab / 香箱蟹)

Chawanmushi having clam.

Chawanmushi (茶碗蒸し)

Grilled Tachiuo (Cutlass fish).Fatty cutlass fish. Not only its meat but also its skin was good.

Grilled Tachiuo (Cutlass fish / 太刀魚)

Mejimaguro (Young tuna). It was baked in a straw. Its skin have the smell of straw. It went with soy sauce with mustard.

Mejimaguro (Young tuna / メジマグロ)

Gari (free refills) was served. At sushi restaurant, this is the sign of sushi time.

Gari (ガリ)

But it wasn’t the time yet. The chef mixed something well in the bowl.
And then Purin maki (Pudding roll) was served. Vinegared rice and monkfish liver. It is mixed well like risotto. This is their specialty ! I couldn’t imagine its taste until eating, but unexpectedly it tasted light and tasty ! And their seaweed is good.

Purin maki (pudding roll / プリン巻き)

Deep fried Mehikari (Chlorophthalmus borealis). Fatty mehikari was seasoned with salt well.

Deep fried mehikari (Chlorophthalmus borealis / メヒカリ)

Then I added drink. Supuraito (すぷらいと).

Japanese sake. Spraito (すぷらいと)

Shirako (Soft roe) with ponzu. Excluded in the course. It’s my delight, too. And it’s the taste of Winter. So, I added.

Shirako (Soft roe / 白子)

And finally, sushi was prepared ! Sushi time !

First sushi at Sushi Yu was it. Kasugo (Young red sea bream)
It was vinegared so lightly.

Kasugo (Young red sea bream / 春子鯛)

Sumi ika (Golden cuttlefish). Its sharp texture was good !

Sumi ika (Golden cuttlefish / スミイカ)

Aji (Horse mackerel). Green thing is leek. It’s tasted like garlic. But it don’t leave smell at all. Tasty.

Aji (Horse mackerel / 鯵)

Sawara (Spanish mackerel). Sushi Hashimoto and Sugita always bake Spanish mackerel lightly in a straw. But it’s entirely raw. I like it better than that is baked in a straw.

Sawara (Spanish mackerel / 鰆)

Kohada (Young gizzard shad)

Kohada (Young gizzard shad / 小肌)

Marinated Akami in sauce. Akami is lean meat of tuna. The tuna was from Boston. Though it’s the part that don’t have much fat. But it was enough fatty !

Akami (lean meat of tuna / 赤身)

Chu-Toro (中トロ) part of tuna. It was like o-toro !

Chu-Toro (fatty part of tuna / 中トロ)

Ikura (Salmon roe). There was rice at the bottom of it. Bigger salmon roe. The chef call it Dragon Balls !

Ikura (Salmon roe / いくら)

Tamagoyaki having green laver. Beautiful and tasty !

Tamagoyaki (玉子焼き)

Two-storied Uni (Sea urchin). At first, we ate the top. And then the chef put sauce on the bottom. So, we ate it as sushi. Gorgeous.

Uni (Sea urchin / うに)

Hotate (Scallop) was so sweet !

Hotate (Scallop / 帆立)

Anago (Conger eel). Boiled conger eel was so soft !

Anago (Conger eel / 穴子)

Soup. The course end.

Soup having fish bone

We asked the chef, “Do you have anything else ?”. He answered about five things that we didn’t eat yet. Though I wanted to have some, but I didn’t have enough space in stomach.
So, I ordered Kuruma Ebi (Kuruma prawn) only. It’s my delight. And it was right decision to eat ! This is the best prawn that I haven’t eaten !

Kuruma ebi (Kuruma prawn / 車海老)

I spent gorgeous sushi dinner time ! We reserved next dinner !

Maguro-dokoro Ichijo
¥5,980 (2025/02/14 23:23時点 | 楽天市場調べ)


Name Sushi Yu (鮨由う)
Open Dinner
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