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Moved – [Sapporo] Snow Brand Parlor Flagship shop (雪印パーラー本店)


Yukijirushi (Snow brand) is well-known company producing milk. But I didn’t know the existence of “Snow Royal”. “Snow Royal” is vanilla ice cream that was produced for Emperor Showa and now it can be eaten at Yukijirushi Parlor in Hokkaido only. So, I visited Snow Brand Parlor (Yukijirushi Parlor / 雪印パーラー本店) to eat it. They serve also snow parfait having Snow Royal.

The building was built in 1961. Lots of parfaits in front of the shop must have attracted children.

The building of Yukijirushi Parlor have 1F and 2F. There is a souvenir shop on the 1F. Not only Snow Brand but also many souvenirs of Sapporo were sold. Cafe was on the 2F.

The menu says this Snow Royal and cold-brew coffee set is the most popular at this shop.

Snow Royal and cold-brew coffee set (スノーロイヤル 水出し珈琲セット) 1190 yen

But I decided to have parfait because my stomach had enough space to have parfait and parfait seems not big. Though some shops require us to order one drink, but Yukijirushi Parlor permit us to order parfait only.

Snow royal parfait. beautiful white parfait 🙂
It’s not big, so you can eat it up easily even after hearty lunch.

Snow royal parfait (スノーロイヤルパフェ) 1430 yen

It had two sticks of pie. Whipped cream and ice cream had thick tastes of milk. I haven’t had such a rich tastes of milk !

This parfait had caramel. Of course, This caramel was produced by Yukijirushi. I think Snow Royal is MUST when visiting Sapporo !



Name Snow Brand Parlor Flagship shop (Yukijirushi Parlor Honten / 雪印パーラー本店)
Open Morning through night
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Available
URL Website, Instagram

Google Map (Current location)


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