I went to eat soba at Nojima
the other day.

Not far from station, but it was hard for strangers to find the shop.
Not only eating, we could watch soba chef making soba (sobauchi) in our presence.
At first, buckwheat flour was grayish powder. He added water little by little and then mixed by his hands. He repeated it plenty of times.
Persons who don’t have bad nose can find the scent of soba, but I have so bad nose, so I couldn’t feel the scent of soba at all 🙁
Then, the color became thick.
Adding water again,
He moved his hands so rapidly. It is not camera shaking 😛
Solid mass !
Something cute. But it looks like Takamatsuzuka-kofun Tumulus…
He then went to another room. He didn’t showed us stretching it with long rolling poles to sheet and cutting.
After a time he came again with finished soba !
Left is buckwheat’s seed and right is peanuts.
Tamagoyaki (卵焼き). Tamagoyaki that eating at soba restaurant is more tasty than others.
Smoked duck (鴨のスモーク)
Smoked chicken and nozawana (鶏のスモークと野沢菜)
Fresh vegetables (生野菜). Eating with salts or olive oils.
Fresh soba.
Sobagaki (そばがき). I didn’t know such a sobagaki.
It was more sobagaki than the mass of fresh soba 😛
Especially good 🙂 I could feel the smell of soba with my bad nose.
Sobayu (そば湯). It is the broth left over after boiling soba.
Nozawana (野沢菜). This was the first time to see fresh nozawana.
The nozawana that I knew is only pickled nozawana that had already been cut into pieces. I found nozawana is vegetable, indeed.
Pickled nozawana (野沢菜漬け).
Soba. Left darker color soba is Juwari soba (十割そば) that is consist entirely of buckwheat. Right soba is Ni-hachi soba (二八そば) being consists of two parts of wheat and eight of buckwheat.
Juwari soba had a bitter taste a bit. But I liked the bitterness 🙂
But truthfully speaking, I couldn’t understand the difference between those two kinds of soba 😛
Tasted good, either.
Not only soba, I could eat a lot of vegetables. I had a nice time.
About Nojima (純粋喬 野島)
Address / 2-2 Inaridai, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo
Station / Higashi-Jujo station (JR)
Open / 11:30 – 14:30, 17:30 – 21:00
Closed / Tuesdays