A friend of mine asked me to have dinner with them at Vietnamese cuisine restaurant that いs named Authentic (オーセンティック) in Asakusa last Friday. This was the first time to ea Vietnamese cuisine. And also this was the first time to go to Asakusa Underground Street. Asakusa Underground street have nostalgic atmosphere.

There are about only 10 seats. Only counter table in the restaurant and there’s a plastic table and some chair in front of the restaurant. It looked like street stall. My friend booked “Today’s special course” in advance. 13 dishes came one after another timely.
Summer rolls with homemade peanuts and miso sauce. There were vegetables fully in it. Shrimps, too. Peanuts and miso sauce was not too sweet and it went with summer rolls well.

Spring roll. It had a crisp skin. Vegetables had strong smell.

Pigs ear and colorful sausage nikogori. Pig’s ear had crunchy texture and good. But pig’s ear is associated with Okinawa cuisine. By the way, nikogori is Japanese foods like jelly.

Coriander and pineapple salad. This was simple:D Pineapple was sweet 🙂

Goi ga. Steamed chickens and cabbage salad. It was similar to coleslaw. It’s spicy just a bit.

Sakura shrimps and sweet potatos Tempura – Vietnamese-style. It was mild, but also it was spicy and had strong flavor of coriander.

Canh chua. It’s famous soup from Southern part of Vietnam. It had pineapple in it. It was sweet, but its sweetness was good in terms of the balance with coriander.

Fried Chinese kale. It choked me a bit. It was spicy just a little. My throat was irritated by it.
But it was tasty none the less for its irritation.

Cha ca. At first, noodles were served. It was made of rice.

Ingredients. It have grilled catfish which was marinated in oil soup.

I set ingredients on the noodles. It had much oil, but noodles was light, so it was good. I didn’t know what is catfish. But it was soft and thick. I searched on the internet later and I found that catfish is “Namazu” in Japanese.

Fried Satsuma Kojundori chickens with lemongrass and chili. Chickens had springy texture. I imagined it was spicy because of its name, but I didn’t feel spicy at all.

Pho bò. Beef pho. Why pho has such a attractive tastes ? But it had little soup left. Probably pho noodles absorbed almost all soup.

Minced meat with lemongrass on the rice. This was really good. It was spicy and sour and smell of lemongrass.

Cold mango che. Dessert. The mango was really good and I felt very cool after eating it.

Asakusa underground street is really hot in this season. And the restaurant doesn’t have air-conditioner. Only an electric fan! I felt I’m in real Vietnam !
Name Authentic (オーセンティック)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Unavailable
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