I heard that there’s a French foods restaurant that serves hearty meal at lunchtime, especially meat. I wanted to go there for a long time. Finally, I could go there. I had lunch with my friend. The restaurant’s name is La Porte Rouge (ラ・ポルトルージュ). They are small and we have to reserve in advance even at lunchtime. Red and white. So cute 🙂

This restaurant accepted guests only two times. 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. We got to there around 1:20 p.m. We waited in front of the restaurant. Around 1:25 p.m., much people was gathering in front of the restaurant. Almost all guests were ladies.
There’s so famous ramen shop that is named “Kisso” next to the restaurant. Much people were waiting in front of Kisso that day, too. People waiting in front of Kisso saw us in wonder.
They serve only one lunch set for 1620 yen at lunchtime. We choice one appetizer, one main course, one dessert and one drink from some foods.

We were two, so we decided to order different foods each other and share.
At first, Appetizer was served. One is terrine with and chicken liver putty. The putty was smooth and tasty. And lots of vegetables on it. I felt I was going to be full in my stomach only this food … :p

Quiche lorraine. French omelet. It was so soft and like cake 😉

Also the bread was served. It was hard, and I felt uneasy that I was going to be completely full in my stomach, so I didn’t eat bread so much.

And then, entree was served. Duck’s leg meat confit. Its outside was crisp, but its inside was juicy. By the way, there’s meat under the meat ! And potato ! Nevertheless just the duck’s leg was enough big ! The confit was good but it’s too salty and it was hard to eat up if I ate it by myself.

Bef rib stew. It had strong color, but it was quite lightly seasoned compared with the confit.
Snowy mountain behind the meat …. that is mashed potato !

Last, dessert. Tarte au fromage. It looks heavy, and actually it was heavy…. though it was tasty. It was too big for us after eating their large meal.

Blancmange was light. So, we managed to eat them up.

Though I ordered my drink mint tea, but somehow rosehips tea was served by mistake. I was over full and I couldn’t think well. So, it was troublesome for me. I didn’t say anything and I drunk it up :p

Well, to tell the truth, the waitress mistook my appetizer, too. I asked the waitress to change my appetizer :p
As a whole, those were great in quantity. And those were well seasoned, but the quality of meats were not good and the good skill of cook made those meats much better.
It was tasty, so I enjoyed eating while my stomach wasn’t full. But when I felt near full in my stomach, I was irritate the quality of the meats a bit. They serves hearty meal with inexpensive costs, so it was not good for poor eater like me.
Name La Porte Rouge (ラ・ポルトルージュ)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Required
Credit card Unavailable
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