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[Tsukiji] Horumondon at Kitsuneya (きつねや)


Though Tsukiji is very popular as seafood market and there are so many seafood shops and restaurants, also people gather some shops that don’t serve seafood. One of the shop is Kitsuneya (きつねや) along Monzeki street. They are so popular as horumondon.

Boiling hotpot having much simmered horumon ! “Horumon” is pork giblets. They were born in 1947. Long-established shop. Most shops along Monzeki street are exposed to air, so it is very cold in Winter and the smell of simmered giblet make me feel bad under the brazing sun in muggy summer. So, there’s no choice but go there in Spring or Autumn.

Menus. That’s all. Almost all people order horumondon (2) or simmered horumon (3). And gyudon (beef bowl, 1) is popular, too.


This is horumondon (horumon bowl). Simmered giblet on the rice and slices of green onion is on it. Those giblet simmered with Hatcho miso and another seasonings. Though it go with beer and Japanese sake, I also think it go with red wine.

Horumondon (ホルモン丼) 850 yen

Of course, eating without any condiments is good. But I got tired of eating after a while because it had much rice and giblets. And only rice and giblets there. Rice, giblet, rice, giblet, rice… So I put some shichimi pepper on it and change tastes 🙂 And another day, I ordered horumondon with onsen tamago. At first, I ate it without egg as usual.

Horumondon (ホルモン丼) with onsen tamago (半熟玉子, 50 yen)

And then, I broke egg and change the tastes. It’s really good !

There are only three seats in front of the hotpot. But I don’t like this seat because it’s close to the fire and people gather to order. So, I always eat at the tables along the road. Though those tables don’t have chairs and the noise of traffic is unpleasant a bit, it’s more comfort.


Name Kitsuneya (きつねや)
Open Morning through noon
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

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