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Suitengu : Long-awaited Sugita (日本橋蛎殻町 すぎ田)


Former Miyakozushi.

Finally, we could have the chance to go to new Miyakozushi in Suitengu.
They changed their name from Miyakozushi to “Nihonbashi Kakigaracho SUGITA”

It’s really difficult to reserve !

On opening the door, familiar faces welcomed us. Good atmosphere. Though we were nervous because of the high-class atmosphere of the appearance, we could be relaxed 🙂

They have one dinner course only. 17000 yen (+ consumption tax).
Composition of the course has not changed as before.
At first, Petasites japonicus and cod roe (蕗と鱈の子).

Marbled sole (マコガレイ)

Cockle (鳥貝)
This cockle was lightly grilled. Sweet and tasty. This was the best in the course that day.

Boiled octopus in soy sauce (たこのうま煮)
The octopus was soft. The mustard called “Ji-garashi” went with the sauce well.

Soft roe of Red sea bream (鯛の白子)
Red sea bream’s soft roe is rare !

Dried ovary of sea cucumber called “Bachiko” and herring roe (ばちこと数の子)

Grilled cutlass fish with salt (太刀魚の塩焼き)

Gizzard shad (小肌)

Red sea bream (真鯛)

Spanish mackerel (鰆)

Squid (いか)

Marinated tuna (まぐろのヅケ)

Toro part of tuna (トロ)

Horse mackerel (鯵)

Kuruma prawn (車海老)

Boiled squid (煮いか)

Sea urchin (うに)

Conger eel (穴子)

Asari soup (あさり汁)

Tamagoyaki (卵焼き)

Now I go to Sushi Hashimoto once in every month. Hashimoto’s chef trained at Miyakozushi before he started his restaurant in Shintomicho. Though I love Hashimoto’s sushi, Sugita is awesome all the same 🙂

About Nihonbashi Kakigaracho SUGITA (日本橋蛎殻町 すぎた)

Address / View Haitsu Nihonbashi B1F,s 1-33-6 Nihonbashi Kakigaracho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Station / Monzen nakacho station (Tokyo metro, Toei subway)
Open / 17:30-, 20:30-
Saturdays and another national holidays / 17:00-, 20:00-
Sundays / 11:00-, 13:30-, 18:00-
Closed / Mondays


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