I had a plan to have time at Shiseido Faro (資生堂ファロ) with my mother at my mother’s birthday. I went to look over beforehand for that. I visited there with my friend at lunchtime. We took 3800 yen course. We could choice appetizer, spaghetti and main dish from the menus.

Such a nice dish welcomed us. Camellia. It is a symbol of SHISEIDO. The dish is not for eating. It was removed after drink was served.

We toasted with Spumante and blood orange juice before the dishes 🙂
Appetizer. Roasted calf.

仔牛のロースト 冷製仕立て 筍のソースとトンナート
Bonito with shuto dressing. Shuto means salted bonito guts. I like it best in all the dishes I ate that day except spaghetti.

鰹とアンディーブのマリネ 酒盗のドレッシング
Spaghetti. Bavettine with sakura shrimp and roquette. It’s the tastes of Spring.

Tagliattele with firefly squid. The tastes of firefly squid guts and dried mullet made the tagliattele flavorful. The tagliattele itself was goooood !

Main dish.

桜鱒のコンフィ トラパネーゼソース ケッパーとパプリカ添え

松阪豚ロース肉のマスタード風味 マッシュルームのクリームソース
Dessert. We can take as much as we want from 7 or 8 kinds of dessert. I wanted to eat all kinds of dessert, but I had full. So, we took only this.

All dishes were not only good looking but so tasty. By the way, my mother turned down going to the restaurant just before going there. Because Ginza is very far from our house for her, and it is crowded. Nevertheless she said she want to go there !
After all, we had dinner at another restaurant near our house 😛
Name Shiseido Faro (資生堂ファロ)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available
Credit card Available
URL Website
Google Map