I want to find any another good restaurants for my lunch and I tried a lunch meal at the shop the other day. Tenkushi Nishioka (天串にしおか) is kushiage restaurant.

At lunchtime they serve curry only. This is the lunch menu. Only two species of curries. 700 yen for lunch set is cheaper in this area.

Women’s chicken wing soup curry (女の手羽先スープカレー)
Men’s beef tendon curry (漢の牛すじカレー)
I don’t know why those names have “men” and “women”. We can order both.
As soon as I was seated, the cabbage was served as salad. Oh, I remember. They are kushiage restaurant ! Well, Kumamon’s wet towel is cute 🙂

Bottle beers cases are used as chairs 🙂 It is nostalgic a bit. It looks like Showa period’s stalls.

I ordered Women’s chicken wing soup curry. It was thin like water. There’s water, pickled scallion, fukujinzuke and so on at the back of the room, and we pick something we want.

Because the curry was too sweet for me, I tried to put much red pepper into the soup. Too much 😛 I think it have Worcester sauce. But it was good. Those two chicken wings were juicy.

It is dessert for women only. I heard that they serve another dessert for men only.

Name Tenkushi Nishioka (天串にしおか)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available for dinner time only
Credit card Unavailable
URL Website
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