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To go only now – [Akihabara] Beef tongue stew lunch at Tankiyo (たん清)


I took a day off to beef tongue stew at Tankiyo (たん清) in Akihabara the other Thursday. Tankiyo is so popular yakiniku restaurant as serving so thick slices of beef tongues. And they are open at lunchtime on some Thursdays and serve beef tongue stew. But we can’t know whether it is held or not until the Mondays, so I was very anxious until I found it was going to be held on the Thursday on twitter.

We thought we should go there before 30 minutes before the opening time to be sure. But my friend said the previous day that we should arrived at there at least one hour before the opening time. So, we went to there one hour before but there were already a minimum of 10 people waiting ! 40 minuites before the restaurant opened, at least 40 people were already there. And 20 minutes before the opening time, the staff started to hand numbered tickets out lest people cut into the line.

A little past 11 a.m., we could enter the restaurant. The restaurant was small and lots of tables and chairs were packed. We had to share the tables. Only we had to do is to return our numbered ticket to the staff, sit and wait until our foods come because they serve beef tongue stew set only at lunchtime. Just if you want large portion of rice, you have to say “large portion please”.

And finally, my longing beef tongue stew was in front of me.

Beef tongue stew set (タンシチュー定食) 1000 yen

It is not a ordinary stew.

Hey !

Lots of lumps of beef tongue were in the bowl. Simmered beef tongue until those getting soft !
Extremely good ! Gorgeous ! And so valuable ! That’s natural that people waiting from one hour before ! Everyone ate in silent.Seriously. Everyone couldn’t see anything else but their foods.

It was far better than I had expected. I feel like going there again soon, but I can’t take a day off so frequently. When we got out of the restaurant (around 12:00), they already stopped to accept.

Maybe they prepare about 50 sets. Amazing.


Name Tankiyo (たん清)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Required for dinner time only
Credit card Available for dinner time only
URL Website, Twitter, Instagram

Google Map


  1. Celebrating myself with salmon roe (Tsukiji) | Viva Japanesque. says:

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