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[Uzbekistan] Registan in Samarkand


I visited Registan square on that day’s morning, and also came to here again in evening. It was under preparation for music festival, and we could see Registan only for two hours in the evening.

A statue of Ulugh Beg teaching his students in bronze.

These were for the music festival, so I heard these statue stood for a limited time.

This is also under preparation of music festival.

The seats for the audience.

Ulugh Beg Madrasa.

Inside of the architecture is modern.

Ulugh Beg Madrasa is used as museum of astronomy deprived from him. He was also an astronomer.

Sherdor Madrasa.

Gur Emir Mausoleum.

Inside of the architecture was so gorgeous.

Timur’s coffisn was that black one at the center. These coffins were replicas and genuine coffins were under the floor, located same.

Ulugbek’s observatory. Ulugh Beg statue stand in front of the stairs.

It is a museum now. I mistook taking pictures of remains of sextant. I was disappointed. After that , we went to Afrasiab Museum, but I didn’t take any picture because I didn’t feel well. I got tired.

After we went back to our hotel, we slept for a while. And then, we had dinner in our hotel. The restaurant’s name is “Registan”. I couldn’t eat much because of my bad condition of health.


  1. cindy knoke says:


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