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[Haleiwa] Huli Huli chicken at Ray’s Kiawe Broiled Chicken


I stayed Honolulu only for one week, but I decided to go to Haleiwa on Saturday or Sunday because this famous huli-huli chicken shop, Ray’s Kiawe Broiled Chicken is open on Saturdays and Sundays only. Only Saturdays and Sundays ! Remember !

They do their business on this parking lot of Mahala market. They are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Actually they are closed earlier as soon as they run out of chickens)

Huli-Huli chicken is, as you see, broiled chicken on the spit. “Huli” means turn in Hawaiian language. Chicken on the spit is turn automatically so that those are cooked evenly. The smell of broiled chicken is awesome. So many people followed the waiting line.

There’s not any space to eat within the area, but many people ate on the bench of the bus stop in front of the shop. Me, too.

Right line is for ordering and paying, and left line is for getting chicken.

This is the menu. They mainly serve Huli-Huli chicken.
Whole Chicken Chopped or Uncut cost $11. And half Chicken cost $6.5.
And Plate Lunch having half chicken and rice, pineapple coleslaw and sauce cost $6.5.
And another they have drinks and rice.

I wanted to eat galic shrimp after this, so I ordered Half chicken . Though there were many people waiting, my chicken was ready in a few minutes. This is half. It had much bone and unexpectedly the amount wasn’t too much. I think two pieces of Kentucky chicken in Japan is equal to it. I could enjoy various parts of chicken because half of chicken was cut roughly.

Half chicken ($6.5)

Its skin was crisp and the meat was juicy. I heard huli-huli chicken is seasoned with sweet sauce like barbecue sauce, but it wasn’t seasoned strongly and not too sweet. I ate it up easily because this tastes was good even just after eating garlic shrimp.

They gave me chopsticks and table napkins, but I thought I should be there with wet wipes. My hands got greasy.

If you want stronger tastes, you can order grandmas Special Sauce (50 cent)
* Plate Lunch have it including price.


Name Ray’s Kiawe Broiled Chicken
Open Morning through daytime
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable

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