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[Honolulu] Taro banana pancake at Bogart’s Cafe


Bogart’s Cafe located along Montsarrat avenue is my longing cafe that I had wanted to visit for a long time. Finally, I visited there. Their acai bowl is so popular, but my target that time was pancake.

There’re outdoor seats in front of the entrance. And inside, there’s large rectangle table at the center of the shop. And there’re many tables along walls.

As soon as I entered the shop, I secured my seat and followed the line at the order counter. And I ordered my food and drink. After I finished to pay, the staff handed number and my drink to me.

Not only English menu but also they prepare Japanese and Chinese menu. So, I took Japanese menu. Coffee, tea, shake, bagel, acai bowl, sandwich, pancake, french toast, eggs, spaghetti and so on. Cooked dishes took much time to be served. I waited for about 20 minutes.

Though no one ordered because it was morning, they prepare alcoholic drinks.

I ordered Cafe au lait. It had much steamed milk. It was mild and delicious. But its amount is as same as grande of Starbucks. A local girl ordered it and handed her own bottle to the staff and the staff poured coffee into the bottle. I think it’s right decision. It’s hard for me to drink it up :p

Cafe au lait ($3)

As I said, I waited for 20 minutes and then my Taro Banana Pancake was served. Plenty of white sticky sauce was put on the pancake. This white sauce is Haupia sauce having coconuts. It’s not too sweet. Delicious. The pancake was thinner than expected and I thought it’s easy to eat it up. The pancake absorbed this sticky sauce. It accumulated in my stomach easily. I felt full soon.

Taro banana pancake ($13)

Those white things are taro. It’s sticky and delicous.

There’re bananas sandwiched with pancakes. Banana and coconuts. Yes. Best couple.

Though it’s hard to eat it up, I liked this simple pancake and hapia sauce. It’s good for breakfast. I’ll go there with someone next time… Who is my fellow traveler ? 🙂


Name Bogart’s Cafe
Open Morning through night
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Available
URL Website, Instagram

Google Map

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