I had lunch at a small restaurant that is named Petit Restaurant Hut (プチレストラン ヒュッテ) in Shimousa-Nakayama the other day. Because they are so small restaurant, there were only a few vacant seat just after the opening time.
Menu. They serve hamburger steak, beef steak, beef curry, chicke steak and so on.

At first, warm consomme soup was served. It had natural sweetness and flavor extracted from vegetables.

This restaurant is famous as hamburger steak. So of course, I ordered a hamburger steak. And I wanted to try eating it with Sichuan sauce. I choose the sauce. The word “Sichuan” is associated with extremely spicy foods, but from the atmosphere of the restaurant, I expected that the sauce isn’t very hot.
Hamburger steak was served like this. My hamburger steak was wrapped in aluminum foil. Opening such a secret veil makes me excited.

Open !

The pungent peppery sauce was viscosity. Lots of slices of green onions were on it.

This sauce was far from Sichuan-flavor, but it was good. That hamburger steak had air properly and it went with the medium spicy sauce. By the way, street is in the mood of New Year holidays, at last, today is my last workday of this year. I’m very satisfied this year. I visited many restaurants and ate many tasty foods. Though I often had stomachaches 😛
I’ll try to refrain from eating too much and eat out so often next year. But I also think that I’ll eat out frequently next year, too.
Name Petit Restaurant Hut (プチレストラン ヒュッテ)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Available
Credit card Unavailable
Google Map
I love hamburger steaks. I use to have it really rare (almost raw):) Happy New Year! Looking forward to read about your restaurant adventures in 2015:)
Happy new year in advance ! (We have more about seven hours before 2014 ends)
Thank you for your frequently visiting my blog this 2014, too. I’ll enjoy eating and traveling next year, too 🙂
By the way, I love rare meat, too
I order my steak as rare whenever I can choose 🙂