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Tokyo: Omakase Delight at Manten Sushi (まんてん鮨) in Marunouchi close to Tokyo Station


Recently, it has been difficult to reserve our favorite sushi restaurants, so we’ve been exploring new ones. One of these restaurants that caught our attention is Manten Sushi (まんてん鮨). They have locations in Marunouchi, Nihonbashi (COREDO), and Hibiya (Hibiya Okuroji).

We visited the Marunouchi branch this time. It’s located on the B1F of Marunouchi Brick Square. The restaurant features counter seats surrounding the kitchen and two tables.

B1F in Marunouchi Brick Square connected to JR Tokyo Station.

The closest station is Tokyo Station, but neither the Marunouchi nor the Yaesu gates are the nearest. The Keiyo Line gate is the closest, though it is quite far from the center of the station. It’s better to exit through the Marunouchi or Southern gates and walk outside, as Tokyo Station is very complex.

They offer a chef’s choice course for ¥6,600, which includes both dishes and sushi. Reservations can be made via their website. They also have a weekday lunch course for ¥3,300, which is considered very valuable, though reservations aren’t accepted for the lunch course.

They serve dishes and sushi alternately. The first dish served was shijimi clam soup.

Shijimi clam soup (しじみスープ)

The first sushi was marinated tuna. The sushi pieces were smaller, making them easy to eat, especially for ladies. It was strongly marinated and delicious, pairing perfectly with sake.

Marinated tuna (鮪の赤身)

Hirame (Flatfish). Sashimi.

Hirame (flatfish / ヒラメ)

Marinated bonito. Another sashimi. It was delicious, with a springy texture like jelly.

Marinated bonito (Katsuo / 鰹)

Mekabu seaweed.

Mekabu seaweed (めかぶ)

Boiled abalone. he abalone was boiled in a strong soup, and its crunchy texture was delightful.

Abalone (Awabi / 煮鮑)

Sea bass (Suzuki). While its appearance was not very appealing due to bloodlines, it had a springy texture and tasted great.

Sea bass (suzuki / スズキ)

And such a novel dish was served: Tarako marinated with wasabi. The springy eggs had a subtle wasabi flavor. It went perfectly with rice.

Tarako marinated with wasabi (たらこのわさび漬け)

Yuba tofu. I heard it’s their specialty. It’s not exactly tofu, but a mille-feuille of yuba.

Yuba tofu (湯葉豆腐)

Spanish mackerel. Served with mustard.

Spanish mackerel (Sawara / 鰆)

Green vegetable. They refreshed our palates.

Green vegetables (青菜)

Enoki mushrooms marinated with konbu. It was so fun! This was my first time eating mushroom sushi ! And it was delicious. I love enoki mushrooms and was surprised at how well they go with vinegared rice!

Enoki-take marinated with konbu (えのきだけの昆布〆)

Red sea bream marinated with konbu

Red sea bream marinated with konbu (Madai / 真鯛の昆布〆)

Crab and salmon roe. The rice was at the bottom, topped with shredded wasabi, giving it a sharp flavor.

Crab and salmon roe (かにといくら)

Simmered tuna. So soft. I enjoyed it with a lot of wasabi. I think it would pair well with Japanese sake, too.

Simmered tuna (鮪の角煮)

Horse mackerel

Horse mackerel (Aji / 鯵)

Botan shrimp. My delight was served one dish after another… 🙂

Botan shrimp (Botan-ebi / ぼたん海老)

Two sea urchin. Because they were delicate, the chef told us, “Put out your hand.” One was horse-dung sea urchin (Bafun-uni), and the other was purple sea urchin (Murasaki-uni). I forgot which was which, though, because I was so focused on getting and eating them. I liked the first one better (probably the second photo).

Sea urchin (うに)
Sea urchin (うに)

After enjoying the rich texture of the sea urchins, tomato was served. Well, I think some people might not appreciate this order, but it wasn’t bad for me.

Tomato (トマト)

Toro part of tuna

Toro part of tuna (トロ)

Negitoro roll. Typically, negitoro is served with green onion, but here they served it with onion. The larger pieces of onion had a pungent flavor, and it paired well with the vinegared rice and the fatty tuna.

Negitoro (ネギトロ巻き)

Conger eel (Anago). It was so soft, like a pillow.

Conger eel (Anago / 穴子)

Tamagoyaki (like pudding)

Tamagoyaki (玉子焼き)

Miso soup with shijimi clam. Though it contained many small shijimi clams, they didn’t release much flavor. I think they were used clams, possibly from the soup that was served earlier. So, I ended up leaving the clams and just enjoyed the miso soup itself.

Miso soup with shijimi clam (しじみの味噌汁)

Last, Kanpyo-maki. We rolled it ourselves and ate it.

Kanpyo-maki (かんぴょう巻き)

Watermelon as dessert. It was sweet.

Watermelon (スイカ)

Their course menu is seasonal. All of their dishes and sushi are small, so we get to enjoy a variety of foods in one meal. I especially liked their sushi. I wish they would offer a sushi-only set that could be served quickly during lunchtime.

¥4,980 (2025/02/17 20:04時点 | 楽天市場調べ)


Name Manten Sushi Marunouchi / Manten zushi (まんてん鮨 丸の内店)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Credit card Available
Reservation Available
URL Website, Twitter, Instagram

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