Now Komeda’s Coffee (コメダ珈琲店) is expanding. They are cafe chain store mainly in Nagoya. And finally their new branch was open in Tsudanuma area, too. The parking lot is wide, and it looks like rest area on highway.

It takes abou 10-15 minutes walk from that station.
Especially, the parking lot is full on weekends, and also so large number of bicyces are parked. We have to wait more 20 minutes to take our seats. And so many families are there. It looks like an amusement place.
Why this cafe so popular ? It is because their foods are large.
Drink have one snack of beans. This snack can be bought at the cashier. They sells coffee beans, too. It’s iced milk coffee. Its tastes of coffee is weak. It tasted like milmake. Milmake is seasoning for milk. Coffee flavor is very popular. It’s sometimes served at school lunch.

Speaking of Komeda’s Coffee, you might imagine this cup 😉

This is the most popular foods of Komeda’s. Shiro-Noir !

Speaking of soft serve, cream soda in a boots is so cute.

Shiro-Noir is soft serve on hot big danish. Though it was tasty, but it was too large for me. It is good for two person. They half size of shiro-noir for one person 🙂
Ah, my friend said that she and her friends ate it one each by themselves after the banquet… Incredible…. I never can eat it up by myself. Even if I’m hungry.
The origin of the name “Shiro-noir” is the Japanese word ‘Shiro’ that means “White” in English plus “noir” that means “Black” in French. So it means “White soft ice cream and black danish”.
And egg buns large, too. This is half. My friend ate another piece. This sauce have strong taste and have plenty of eggs.

Those foods are enough tasty, but the reason of their popularity is this large portion and price. Komeda’s Coffee is mostly very crowded at daytime. So, if you want to spend your time in calm atmosphere, you’d better go there at night.
Name Komeda’s Coffee Tsudanuma branch (コメダ珈琲店 津田沼店)
Open Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
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