Sandwich / サンドイッチ / 三明治


[Tokyo] Coffee Shop ACE (珈琲専門店エース) in Kanda

Don't you think the signboard is retro ? They started their business in 1971.Coffee Shop ACE (珈琲専門店エース) is long-establi...

[Ginza] Ham cutlet sandwich at Choushiya (チョウシ屋)

Choushiya (チョウシ屋) is at the center of Ginza and remains such an old atmosphere from 1927. They have started their busin...

Closed – [Funabashi] Parfait and sandwich at Sausalito (サウサリート)

Funabashi have several old kissaten around the station. Sausalito (サウサリート) is one ofthose kissaten. And I went to there...
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