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Shintomicho : Early summer and Autumn in a course at Sushi Hashimoto (鮨はしもと)

Very young punctatus, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho) Tokyo

We visited Sushi Hashimoto again. It was the best season for very young punctatus’s best season.

Appearance, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Basically, Sushi Hashimoto serve chef’s choice for 14000 yen only, but when my friend took the reservation, he said to the chef, “We want to eat both Very young punctatus and saury !”
So, the chef got good saury and very young punctatus and we could eat both 🙂
He reserved full seats, so the chef could fulfill our wish.

When we visited Miyakozushi last time, and to our sorrow, we couldn’t eat it because it wasn’t the good season yet.
So, I was really glad to hear that 🙂

At first, edamame and Japanese sake that I ordered was served.

Japanese sake and edamame, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


My Japanese sake was named “Zaku (作)” from Okayama prefecture.
Official site of product compony –> http://jizake-mie.jp/SHOP/107504/list.html
It was fruity and easy to drink. So,it was a little bit dangerous !
The amout of the sake in my bottle was larger than this cute appearance, so I got drunk 😛

Japanese sake named Zaku, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Tile fish sashimi (甘鯛の刺身)

Tile fish, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

Slightly grilled bonito with straw (藁焼きかつお)
From Kesennuma of Miyagi. The smell of straw attached to its skin was good.

Slightly grilled bonito, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Sardine roll (いわし巻き)
It had chives, takuwan (or takuan) and gari.
I think it is controversial food. I like it without takuan…

Sardine roll, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Grilled eel with salt (鰻の塩焼き)
It’s wild eel from Shinji lake of Shimane ! This eel had plenty of fats ! I had never eaten such a delicious eel !
Oh my ! It’s not eels restaurant ! I can’t believe that sushi restaurant serve such a splendid eel !

Grilled eel with salt, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Minced sweet fish (鮎のミンチ)

Once the sweet fish caught in Niyodo river of Kochi prefecture was grilled and then minced. It went with the sake very well ! But it was small. I put it into my mouth little by little…

Minced sweet fish, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Grilled hairtail (太刀魚の塩焼き).
From Takeoka of Chiba.

Grilled hairtail, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

After that, it’s the time for sushi ! I drunk my Japanese sake up just time, I got Green tea.
I don’t like eating sushi with alcoholic drinks very much.

Green tea and gari, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Very young punctatus (新子)
“Very” young punctatus is the taste of early summer season only. But this year, it was too small to be cooked in the usually best season (July) because of the cold weather this spring. This was the first and last time to eat very young punctatus this year…..
Young punctatus is eaten all year around.

Very young punctatus, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Red sea bream (真鯛)

Red sea bream, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

Young yellow tail. Yellow tail have various names in Japanese according to its size and age. This young yellow tail is called “Tsubasu”. This was the first time to eat Tsubasu.

Young yellowtail, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Marinated tuna with soy sauce blended sauce (まぐろの漬け)

Marinated tuna with soy sauce, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

Horse mackerel (鯵)

It was delicious ! It’s flavor, texture…. This was No.1 horse mackerel ever !
So much I ate, almost in a dream.
I wanted to eat more three portion of it. But they didn’t have in stock !!!!! X(

Horse mackerel, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

この鯵、すんごい美味しかったです。香り、食感、後味。パーフェクト。 あと3カンくらい食べたいのに、なぜおかわりがない・・・!(´;ω;`)

Chu-toro (中トロ)

Chutoro, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

Saury (秋刀魚)
Thanks to the delay of very young punctatus’s grown up, we could enjoy both early Spring tastes and Autumn tastes in a course 🙂

Saury, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


Kuruma prawn (車海老)
Caught in Beppu bay.

Kuruma prawn, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


I visited Sushi Hashimoto last time, only kuruma prawn dissatisfied me. But that day’s was perfect 🙂
Prawn is special seafood for me.
I think prawn is the best favorite seafood for most of children. And after grown up, they continue to enjoy it. Me, too.
It is still special treats for me.

Sea urchin (うに)
From Iki of Nagasaki.

Sea urchin, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

I wanted to have second helping of horse mackerel, but they didn’t have in stock, and I was already full. So, I didn’t order anything else.
Conger eel (穴子)

Conger eel, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

Shijimi clam soup (しじみ汁)

Shijimi clam soup, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)

The sign of the end of the course.
Tamagoyaki (玉子焼き)

Tamagoyaki, Sushi Hashimoto (Shintomicho)


That day’s No.1 was horse mackerel and the second was grilled eel 🙂
Everything was getting better than our course last time.
I was really satisfied with their sushi. But this restaurant is getting very popular. So, it is getting harder to reserve full seats.

Next we reserved in October. Of course, full seats 🙂

About Sushi Hashimoto (鮨はしもと)

Address / Maki Plaza Bldg 1F, 1-15-11, Shintomi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
Station / Shintomicho station (Tokyo metro)
Open / 18:00 – 23:00
Closed / Mondays



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