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[Tokyo] Udon Oniyanma Gotanda (おにやんま五反田本店)


Speaking of udon at Gotanda, I remember that there is curry shop that is named “Udon”. But I went to Gotanda to eat real udon that time 🙂

Oniyanma (おにやんま) is one of the most popular udon shop in Tokyo. They serve local Sanuki udon. Of course, their high-popularity is from the quality of tastes, and their udon is very inexpensive. They are just close to Gotanda station. Though it was cold night, there were some people waiting. I waited for 10 minutes, too.

Well, it is a stand-up-eating shop and there’s a ticket vending machine outside.

I ordered this. Regular size of Kake-udon with Chicken tempura and chikuwa tempura.

Kake-udon with Chicken tempura and chikuwa tempura, normal portion (鶏天とちくわ天かけうどん 並) 460 yen

Chikuwa is minced fish cake. That soup was lightly seasoned, so those fat of chikuwa and chicken added the soup more tastes.

Sanuki Kijoan Rakuten branch (亀城庵 楽天市場店)
¥4,280 (2024/09/19 12:36時点 | 楽天市場調べ)


Name Udon Oniyanma Honten (おにやんま五反田本店)
Open Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Credit card Unavailable
Reservation Unavailable

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