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Moved – [Tokyo] Tonkatsu Narikura (とんかつ成蔵) in Takadanobaba


Tonkatsu Narikura (とんかつ成蔵) moved to Minami-Asagaya area. Now they required reservation only on the website. There’s a still tonkatsu restaurant there named Narikura (なりくら) in Takadanobaba. It is managed by a person who worked under the chef of Tonkatsu Narikura. (added / Dec 2021 )

Tonkatsu Narikura (とんかつ成蔵) accepted reservation one night only the other day, so we took the reservation on the phone and went to there.

Narikura might be the No.1 tonkatsu restaurant in Tokyo. There’re so many people gathering in front of the restaurant one hour before the opening hour. So, we were glad that they accepted reservation that night.

They prepare special menu for that day only. It was more expensive than usual. But all sets had an appetizer and dessert. From left to right, boiled hijiki with soy sauce, potato salad and mozuku seaweed.

Nothing has changed about their tonkatsu even though the special menu. Narikura sometimes use various species of pork for their tonkatsu. For example, Sangenton pork, Kurobuta pork, Kinka pork, Iberico pork, TOKYO-X and so on. That day they had Sangenton Pork !

And I expected that TOKYO-X is in stock. But they didn’t have it that day.

I ordered Three pieces of Chatonbriand tonkatsu set. Chatonbriand is parody of Chateaubriand (steak). There’s salt and Worcester sauce on the table. And also three seasonings were served with the tonaktsu. Sweet chili sauce, wasabi-duke (pickled wasabi) and ponzu with grated daikon radish.

Three pieces of Chatonbriand tonkatsu set (シャ豚ブリアンかつ定食 3個) 4200 yen

Section of the Chatonbriand.

Section of my tonkatsu

White coating is the characteristic of Narikura’s tonkatsu. It’s because they fried deeply at a low temperature with longer time than normal tonkatsu.

There was many ways of eating it with many seasonings. From left to right, tonkatsu sauce, dressings for cabbage, rock salt, shichimi pepper and mustard. But I liked eating it with salt and mustard after all as usual. To tell the truth, I didn’t need three special seasonings.

My friend’s Special sirloin tonkatsu was good, too. This pork is premium Sangenton pork (三元豚) from Hirata Farm.

Sirloin tonkatsu (特ロースかつ) 4200 yen

After finished eating tonkatsu, ice cream was served. It had refreshing tastes !

Ice cream


Name Tonkatsu Narikura (とんかつ成蔵)
Open Lunch, Dinner
Reservation Required at Omakase
Credit card Unavailable
URL Twitter

Google Map (Current place)


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