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[Hakata] Amaou parfait at Campbell Early (キャンベル・アーリー)


I visited Hakata in March. Fukuoka. I decided to eat amaou without fail before leaving for Fukuoka. Because it’s one night trip, I ate amaou at Campbell Early (キャンベル・アーリー) on the 9th floor of Hakata City. Hakata City bldg is connected to JR Hakata station. So, it’s really convenient. Campbell Early is managed by long-established grocery shop. They have also a branch in Fukuoka airport. When I got to there around noon, there were only a few people waiting, but when I got out, there were so many people waiting after lunch.

They are cafe, but their interior is like restaurant.

The view from out 9th floor. Fine ! Only buildings can be seen though.

Campbell Early is proud of their fruits. Not only seasonal foods but also regular foods looks yummy. They’re open until 10 p.m., and they have cocktails having fruits at dinner time. And they offer valuable set if you order pancake or parfait. We can have one drink with 300 yen.

Well, amaou super attracted guests. Almost all people ordered amaou when I was there.

This is Spring-limited parfait. Sakura (Cherry blossoms) and amaou parfait.

At first, I intended to order Amaou Princess Parfait (あまおうプリンセスパフェ), but it have raspberry gelato, not amaou gelato. So, I ordered Amaou millefeuille parfait because it have amaou gelato. The parfait was smaller than expected. Not small. Enough.

Amaou millefeuille parfait (あまおうのミルフィーユパフェ) 1595 yen

Much amaou ! Those amaou was so juicy. The whipped cream was sweet, and the amaou was sweet and sour. It’s good combination. There’re pies at the middle of the glass. It’s not sweet. It have vanilla gelato and amaou gelato. The amaou’s gelato had plenty of amaou’s juice. Good.

I ordered Kosyu Sparkling wine. Because the parfait wasn’t too sweet, the wine went with the parfait well. By the way, they have also limited Amaou sparkling wine. I found it later.

Kosyu Sparkling wine (甲州スパークリング) 594 yen


Name Campbell Early Hakata branch (キャンベル・アーリー博多店)
Open Day through night
Reservation Unavailable
Credit card Unavailable
URL Instagram, Hakata City Official

Google Map

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