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[Honolulu] Banyan tree is alive ! New International Market Place in Waikiki


What made me the most surprised ? That is International Market Place. International Market Place used to be like forest for several years ago. But it is reborn as like modern shopping mall. They had big change !

It was under construction when I visited there last time. And I found it’s almost complete this time. So I was surprised a lot this time. It’s still under construction though.

It was lighted because it was just before Chinese new year. It looked mystical.

By the way, this was taken when I visited there in 2012. Yes, it’s forest 🙂 There were many stalls selling souvenirs and snacks. And also tattoo shops were there. It was like flea market.

International Market Place was reopen in 2016. It took about two years to be rebuilt. Their 160-year-old Banyan tree was still alive at the center of the building !

And another there are many wild Hawaiian plants here and there. So, though it’s big shopping mall having about 100 shops and restaurants, I felt I’m in forests. I was relieved that they still have an atmosphere of old International Market Place 🙂

There are many benches and chairs to take rest. So, I sometimes visited there to relax on the bench without shopping :p

The atmosphere is great, but I wanted novel shops and restaurants. They have branches of same shops and restaurants that Ala Moana center and Royal Hawaiian Center.

Though they held farmers market before, now they quit.
Instead of that, Hyatt Regency Waikiki hold farmers market on each Tuesdays and Thursdays on the 1st floor.


Name International Market Place
Open Day and night
URL Website, Instagram, Linktree

Google Map

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