We found Yukidaruma Motoyawata-beya (ゆきだるま 本八幡部屋) that is a Jingisukan restaurant in Motoyawata is open at lunchtime, so we visited there soon. I have been to there once at dinner time before. I forgot to take photo of the appearance. Snowman in front of the door is their sign.
Where ?
They are located within 5 minutes walk from JR Motoyawata station. Go straight along the main street at the southern gate of Motoyawata station.
Because of the sunlight out of the window, the interior was bright. There are not many tables, you’d better reserve in advance. They accept reservation both lunch and dinner.

Lunch menu
They have three lunch sets. A set (1200 yen) have thick lamb meat, B set (1,200 yen) have seasoned jingisukan set and C set have both (1800 yen). They offer large helping of rice without extra charge.

And also they accept order from dinner menu. Drinks.


And limited menu. Lunch C set is good, but also it’s good to order A or B set and this shaved meat (切り落とし). Hot pepper have coupon of vegetable with free of charge (you need to order from dinner menu)

I heard mutton from Iceland is rare in Japan. Only a few percent.

Delicious foods that we had
Lunch A set
As soon as we ordered A set (1200 yen), the staff served us jingisukan grill. And after, soybean sprout, sauce, salt, kimchi was served. So, we put soybean sprout on the grill and waited for a few minutes. And then he served us meat and rice. Everything prepared.

Meat of A set. Wow, five slices of thick lamb meat.The fat at the top of it is used as oil.

Because those were thick meat, it took much time to be cooked. Even it looked well-cooked, inside of meat was medium rare. It’s good condition ! Eating it with salt was delicious, but with sauce was far better with rice all the same 🙂 And those soybean sprouts having plenty of lamb fat was another feast ! It looks good friends with beer ? Well… no… I absorbed in lamb ! I forgot to drink beer :p

I killed time with kimchi while waiting for meat grilled. This kimchi had slightly sour tastes and was spicy. Good.

Lamb curry soup
We ordered Lamb curry soup (ラムカレースープ, 381 yen + tax) from dinner menu.
It’s soup. It have much lamb meat. And it’s unexpectedly very spicy. It’s my tastes. But I absorbed in eating lamb meat and I didn’t eat much.

Lamb chop from Iceland
And another one from dinner menu. Lamb chop from Iceland (アイスランド産ラムチョップ, 1piece 698 yen + tax). Also it took much time to be cooked. It was juicy and good ! There’s no bad smell at all and its texture was soft. It went with salt all the same. But of course, with sauce was good, too.

About the restaurant
Name in English / Jingisukan Yukidaruma Motoyawata-beya
Name in Japanese / ジンギスカンゆきだるま 本八幡部屋
Address / Kimura Building1F 4-17-6, Minami-Yawata, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba
Phone / 047-377-1129
Open / 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. -11:30 p.m.
Saturdays, Sundays and another national holidays / 11:30 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Closed / Mondays
Reservation / Available
Credit card / Available